Follow up for:
- So, what would the doubt and commotion be about, just to be clear?
- Is the prohibition (of whichever worship act it is) to do with “after Asr”, or just the “prohibited times”?
- Also: which acts of worship are prohibited after Asr fardh, if any?
- What is meant by zawal?
- Can we read quran, yaseen, or any ibadath during sunrise time?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
1. If one performs the qadha’ for Salah after the congregation in a Masjid,, then any type of doubt may come since it is well understood that the time is Makruh to perform the salah.
a. there is a chance people may assume that it is repetition of the Salah which you just performed in the congregation. This could cast a doubt in them that the Jamat had some deficiency.
b. Moreover, it could also bring doubt that perhaps you did not have good though of the Imam and are repeating Salah instead.
c. Someone could think negative or low of the individual performing. And since it is mustahab to avoid actions which may unduly invite negative thoughts in people, one should avoid it.
2. It has to do with Prohibited time as well as Makruh times after Asr/Fajr. While during prohibited times you may not perform any salah or sajda tilawa, in the makruh times you may not offer for past salahs, or past sajda tilawah.
3. During the Makruh times one may not perform any (doing so is Makruh Tahrimi):
- Wajib Salah
- Sunnah Salah
- Nafil Salah
Instead one should wait until after the Makruh time has finished to perform these salah.
Aside from above one may perform the qadha’ Salah, as well as Sajdah Tilawa that becomes binding during the makruh time may be performed, but not the past due as we mentioned in the past answer.
4. Zawal refers to solar mid-day, also called zenith. This is the time between Sunrize and Sunset. It is the point when the sun is at the highest point in the day. Once the sun move on from this point and starts to decline, time for Dhuhr Salah begins.
5. Any ibadah that has not been mentioned above in 3 can be done. The dislike (karahiya) is specifically for the Salah, and that too for the ones that have been mentioned.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi