Where is the one praying Salah meant to keep his eyes? During qiyam, ruku’, sajdah, qa’dah etc…? And what is the reasoning for these selected places?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It is incumbent upon us to guard our prayers from any wavering thoughts and attacks from Shayateen. In light of this Allah has also commanded us to “وقوموا لله قانتين “. Imam Mujahid rh. has mentions that the Qunoot here refers to Khushoo’. Specifically, adopting composure and focus from wandering one’s thoughts and sight here and there out of awe and conscience of Allah.
Nabi ﷺ has encouraged to contain one’s gaze during salah from looking upward. Similarly, another narration Nabi ﷺ tell Sayiduna Anas rd. to focus towards the place of Sajdah.
Fuqaha’ have taken such instructions into consideration and adopted actions of Adaab for the Salah.
Allama Jassas rh. mentions that the Asl (basis) in this discussion is the ayah “الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون” which highlights Khshu’ as a fundamental goal in Salah. Thereafter he mentions that the apparent wordings of Qur’an and Hadeeth demand avoiding unnecessary/unnatural movements which may turn oneself away from where ever eyes would normally cast a glance in such postures.
Allama Shami rh. also mentions that this modality is such that the eyes would naturally cast the glance in these places whether one would make an deliberation or not. This, thus imposes on the praying individual to avoid activity, and adopt contentment.
Allama Kasani rh. has mentioned quoting Imam al-Tahawi rh. saying
“He should cast his glance
- at the place of his prostration while in the standing position.
- And towards the top of his toes during his Ruku’
- and towards the bridge of his nose while prostrating.
- During the sitting posture he should gaze towards his lap.
For indeed this is all from adoption of khushu’. “
In Hanafiya this has been adopted as the proper ettiquette for Salah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi