My question is regarding when one should wear Ihram when travelling from Toronto to Jeddah on a direct flight? Is it permissible to wear Ihram in plane when 2-3 hours left to land?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
A person should become a muhrim (enter into the state of Ihram) when he intends to enter into the boundaries of Meeqat. This can be done at any time prior to crossing the meeqat boundaries, starting from the origin of travel up until reaching the boundaries of meeqat, including on board the plane.
Prior to entering into the state of Ihram, one should remove any unwanted hair, clip fingernails, perform ghusl (or at least wudu), comb one’s hair and apply scent. Once this has been done, he should remove any sewn clothes and dawn the Ihram and perform the 2 rak’aat Sunnah . He should then make the intention of Hajj/ Umrah etc, and recite the tabliyyah.
Once this has been completed, he will be considered to have entered into the state of Ihram.
Note that direct flights going from Toronto to Jeddah cross over Juhfa (Meeqat point), therefore, in this instance caution should be exercised to ensure that the Ihram should be dawned before the flight crosses over Juhfa. Often, airlines may fail to notify passengers about the upcoming meeqat point, therefore, one should exercise caution and due diligence in dawning the Ihram before the crossing the Juhfa point. Dawning the Ihram 2-3 hours prior to landing will be sufficient.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Maulana Abrar Ahmed
Checked and Concurred
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi