Is it permissible for the females of the house, where only the nuclear family resides (mom, dad, children) to wear slacks and half sleeves t-shirts (loose fitting)?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It is important to remember that the bounds of permissibility of Islamic commandments should be known but a general habit of going beyond those bounds and adhering to what is more desirable and pleasing to Allah should be adopted. For example, simply restricting oneself to mandatory forms of worship may be permissible, but we are encouraged to go beyond that and make habit of optional worship as well. Married folk can easily understand this, cultivating love and affection between spouses demands that they go above and beyond their marital obligations in an effort to sustain a healthy marriage.
Although it is permissible for a woman to wear loose clothing and half sleeve t-shirts in the presence of the parents and children, a type of attire should be adopted which displays respect for the parents and reflects the high standard of modesty which Islam has encouraged. The children will grow up taking their parents’ lives to be their primary representation of Islam. As they slowly learn the limitations of halal and haram, they will continue to gain conviction that their parents have set a high standard of modesty and servitude to Allah, teaching them to not suffice for what is permissible, rather what is better and more pleasing to Allah ta’ala.
As for rare cases when a woman wearing loose clothing (while still covering her ‘awra (satr)) in private may encounter the parents or children, it should be born in mind that there is no sin committed in such a scenario, as the private areas of her body were still concealed. However, in practicality, the permissibility of wearing such clothing around the parents and children should be restricted to these scenarios, but the general practice of Muslim women should be according to what reflects modesty, the true spirit of Islam, as mentioned above.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Maulana Taha Abdulkareem
Concurred: Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi