Can you please shed some light on the facts concerning the type of garments men should wear when offering Salah? Multiple scriptures only say that the garment must be clean and should cover the ‘awrah (from navel to knee). And our Prophet SAW said to adorn ourselves before offering Salah.
So, in that sense, a pair of pants and a t-shirt that ends at the waistline is OK?
Is it ok if the body shape is visible through the clothes (jeans or pants) during Salah?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
1. I have tackled this issue during my training days under Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb. Please read the answer below in entirety insha’Allah.
Br. Khalid Baig mentions at the end of his article…. “Islam has not prescribed a particular dress style, giving us ample room to accommodate our needs, circumstances and tastes. … Any garment that accommodates these principles will be Islamic dress.”
If all these guidelines were to be represented by one word, it would be “hayā’ ” (shame and modesty). Islam gives prime importance to hayā’. Hence, whichever style and modality of dressing one adopts, it has to conform with hayā’. Although this representation of an Islamic dress code is very comprehensive, it presents an ambiguity for someone selecting his wardrobe. What is the yard stick for hayā’? Who represents hayā’? etc.
Read the full answer at :
2. For the validity of the salah awrah should be covered. For men that is from below the navel to below the knees. For women, it is the entire body except for the face, palms and feet. This is the bare minimum that is required, and there is further details which are more suited for a class setting.
As for type of clothing, then it is from the commandment of Allah to adorn oneself with good when presenting for Salah. Since we know that Nabi ﷺ has indicated that tight clothing (or transparent clothing) _such that wearing it is not any different to not wearing it_ will be subjected to punishment in akhirah. (Muslim Shareef)
This indicates that such clothing should not be adopted for the sake of worship. However, the validity of salah will be fulfilled in the tight clothing as long as awrah is covered. We cannot say if it will be rewarded or not.
Shortcoming is from us, so we make du’a that Allah help us resolve the matter and understand the true nature of subjugation towards the servitude of Allah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi