I have a question regarding making money online through TikTok. TikTok offers a program called the Creativity Program. Users within this program can receive up to $1000 for every 1 million views on their videos. It could range between 100-1000$ depending on factors such as originality, niche, viewer interaction, etc.
If someone creates videos that do not contain any music or anything haram, and earns money from TikTok, considering that TikTok generates most of its revenue through advertisement videos,would this income be considered halal?
To be eligible for this program, users must:
- Have 10,000 followers.
- Accumulate 100,000 views within the last 30 days.
- Be 18 years old or older.
This program is only available in seven countries: the US, UK, Germany, France, Korea, Japan, and Brazil. If someone outside of these countries wishes to join, they would need to use the ID and tax number of someone who resides in one of these seven countries.
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Darul Iftaa Canada is of the view that videos (including digital videos) and images come under the prohibition of tasweer. Hence any video which utilizes imaging of animate beings will itself be impermissible. Income from such videos will also be impermissible.
However, if the video clips made are not showing any animate beings, as well as maintaining the content free from any other haram aspects, then looking at payout model itself, the income will be subjected to the primary source of the income of TikTok.
If majority of the income of the company is from halal acceptable sources, then the income generated from this payout model will be permissible as well.
A last concern would be seen if such an activity will spur individuals from your video over to other non-halal videos. While this in itself will not affect the permissibility of the income, it will certainly help you decide if the platform is suitable for a Muslim to engage in.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi