Sodium Inosinate: I wanted to know what this ingredient is and how it makes something mashbooh

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Sodium Inosinate (alternate names: E631, Inosine 5-disodium phosphate; disodium salt of inosinic acid.) is considered as a flavor enhancer which is used in food to curb the need of using extra salt. It can be sourced from Meat, Fish or bacterial fermentation of sugars (like tapioca starch).
The commercial preparation is normally either from meat or sardines (fish). While certain market sectors utilize it from the sugar fermentation to accommodate non-animal based clientele.
Nonetheless, the source still remains a concern for us.
For our review purposes:
- a labeling for vegetarian or vegan would confirm it is not from meat
- Similarly a dairy product using Kosher Dairy will help eliminate animal based product
- Similarly confectionery product displaying Kosher Pareve will also eliminate chance of presence of animal based ingredient
If ingredient label mentions it, none of these indications are present, then we will mark it Mashbooh (doubtful) to be avoided until full clarity is found.
Normally this will have the E-Number of E631. E630 is also in the same category as it is inosinic acid, sourced from same areas.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi