I have a question related to this.
In our masjid the imam led both Eid prayers. I prayed the second one.
They always lead both Salah and pray 8 rakahs..
As a hanafi I what should I do and was my Salah accepted?
I was unaware that the imam had already led the first Eid Salah.
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah,
As mentioned above in regards to Jumu’a, Eid Salah is also wajib.
According to hanafiya, the second Eid salah of the same Imam will not fulfil the wajib and hence will become Nafil.
Any hanafi congregant who prays behind him, his Eid Salah will not be valid, as a wajib salah cannot be prayed behind someone praying Nafil.
There is no way of covering up for that missed Eid Salah. You and other hanafi congregants should approach the masjid to be accommodating to hanafi congregants. Quite often hanafi Imams and congregants are expected to be tolerant and accommodating to other madhahib. Such tolerance is often demanded from us. Perhaps, it is something we can also demand from them as well.
These are ibaadiyaat (worships). We should strive to get our ibadah done in most cautious and pristine manner, and not loose out simply because some Imam is not willing to be courteous enough to understand the stance of other madhahib.
Wallahu A’alam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi