If a person is visiting Canada from abroad, how would he calculate his fitr amount? From his country of residence, or Canada? He’s looking to stay for a few more months.
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Sadaqatul Fitr (zakat al fitr) is wajib on a person who is travelling to Canada from abroad (i.e. Shar’an Musafir) and has access to his wealth (zakatable or non-zakatable) equivallent to or more than Nisab while he is in the travel according to the local nisab of the place he is in. This Sadaqatul Fitr will be paid according to Canadian dollars.
If he does not have access to such wealth thes Sadaqatul Fitr is not wajib on him.
If the person becomes a resident (shar’i muqeem) in Canada on his travel, then he will count his wealth back home for the purpose of compulsion of Sadaqatul Fitr as well, and dispense according to higher amount (between his home or Canada). [e.g US $ vs Cad $]
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi