I have a question. During travel or between ASR and Maghreb time on Fridays, our duas are not rejected. My question is if we have to repeat the same dua whatever we need the whole time or do we need to do Azkar and just make dua in between
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
There are multiple times of Ijaabah (du’as being answered). As you have suggested, travel as well the time between Asr – Maghreb is very mustajaab (i.e. the prayers are answered therein). Similarly, the time between the two khutbas of Friday, time before Maghreb every day, last third of the night etc. These are all blessed times for making du’as as they are readily accepted.
In these times one may ask any dua one desires. If repeating the same wordings of the du’a brings more sincerity in oneself towards Allah, then repetition will be good. At the same time, if one feels lack of sincerity in such repetition and the du’a seems forced, then change your wordings to that which will connect your heart to Allah more.
You may recite adhkar intermittently as well. Adhkar remind us of the kibriya’ and grandeur of Allah. That connection is importing when begging Allah for that which we desire. Similarly, crying or making the face of crying also hightens the imploring. So adopt any and all means to seek the Rahma of Allah, and ask abundantly. There is no restriction in this.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi