I am married and I have 15 tola gold as haq mahr. Also I am pursuing fully funded PhD so the monthly stipend I get from my univ is 5000 AED. Please tell, is qurbani wajib for me?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
In principle, any
- mature Muslim male/female
- who is also muqeem (resident) and
- is owner of Nisab (of Zakat)
- on the day of Eid al Adhaa is mandated to do sacrifice.
The nisab of gold is 7.5 Tola, and you have double this amount. Moreover, in order to assess the compulsion of Qurbani, the nisab assessed does not need to be zakatable assets, rather any assets beyond basic needs (hawa’ij al asliya) is included. So even having a car, bike, utencils etc will add to the nisab ownership value.
From your question, it is clear that you possess this Nisab, and Qurbani of one animal will be wajib upon you.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi