I read Quran on app on my phone. My question is
1. Must I have wudhu to handle the phone when using the Quran app?
2. Is it sinful to take the phone into washroom?, like it is in my pocket normally. Should one leave their phone outside washroom before using toilet?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The question was previously answered a couple of times. Allow me to reproduce that answer here :
A Qur’an may be read in digital format, either on one’s phone or through one’s computer/laptop screen.
In principle, when digital Qur’an is displayed on to the screen, then regardless of the device that part of the screen which displays the Arabic text becomes in the hukm of written Qur’an, as long as the Arabic is displayed. If the screen is turned off, or the display goes to sleep, then the screen no longer follows the ruling of Qur’anic text.
This means, while the text is displayed, and one is not in state of Wudhu’, then although there is no prohibition for one to recite Qur’an, yet one may not touch that specific part of the screen, regardless of device. However, this also means that one may touch the other areas of the screen.
In a computer or laptop, this may only affect if you have a touch sensitive screen displays. However, on cell phones and tablet, one should maintain due diligence in handling the devices. In older phones there would be dedicated buttons for volume rocker or others which could be custom programs for page changes and the concern of touching the screen would be avoided, however as advancements have been made, we need to use the touch screens.
In order to use the qur’anic application on the touch screen devices, familiarize yourself with the app you are using. Use such apps which display an empty area on the page for you to use to swipe. You may use a stylus in most cases to use such devices without hassle. Alternatively, though less recommended, one may use the (O) ayah indicators which have the ayah number within it to be used to swipe the screen. If these options are not possible, then we advise you to make wudhu’ and then use the device.
An added caution to keep in mind is not to bring such a device into toilets while the Qur’an is displayed on the screen. If the screen is off, then there will be no disrespect, however for the chance of notification coming on and the screen with Qur’an getting displayed while you are in toilet would cause concerns. Hence, ideally cellphones should not be taken to toilets at all. But if taken, make sure that such apps are turned off.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi