Ice cream trucks have started to come in-front of houses. They usually sell ice creams without packaging. Is there a list of the type of ice creams we are okay to purchase from these ice cream trucks

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Since we live in a place where there is no Islamic Government overseeing and making sure that all foods being sold follow the shar’i dietary guidelines, the principle position is that when there is ambiguity or doubt in regards to ingredients or lack of due diligence in cross contamination, we shall opt for abstaining.
This principle maintains the highest level of caution for us. In the scenario mentioned I suggest either:
- Inquire from each hawker about the source of their ice cream ingredients to ensure they meet halal standards. Only purchase the ice cream if you are convinced beyond reasonable doubt of its halal suitability.
- Apply the principle and abstain from purchasing ice cream of unknown origins. To pacify your children, you could purchase bulk ice cream popsicles which know of being halal suitable and give that whenever some hawker or ice cream truck comes by.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi
(for AskHalal.ca)