A car dealership having hard time selling cars. Most buyers looking for lease or financing options. Owner is a Muslim brother who currently does not provide any direct or indirect financing but if he starts providing relevant info and connecting potential buyers with the financing agencies, will it be permissible to do so?
Or will this act turn his income generated through sales of such financed cars into haram?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
A general rule of thumb is that if the presence of an individual within a flow of an impermissible transaction is such that if you remove him, the transaction will not go through, then this is contribution itself will be impermissible.
In the question asked, the transaction in question is sale of a vehicle which has impermissible financing built into it. If the individual does not provide the information on the financing, then this transaction will not unfold. Hence, his participation in this transaction is itself impermissible and the income is not going to be halal.
For a detail analysis of being part of a sinful transaction, please read our answer about uber-eats at: https://fatwa.ca/assistance-in-sin-uber-eats-vs-waiter/
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi