As salaam walekum. My house is near a pond. I have heard people telling me that you should not go near water bodies after Maghreb since there’s presence of jinn. Is it advisable to hang out in the balcony after Maghreb since you’re next to the pond?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah,
I do not know of such narration which prohibits adults from water bodies at maghreb time due to shayateen.
The narration about Jinnat and Shayateen roaming at the time of Maghreb refers to kids being kept indoors at that time. This is for the protection of the kids from harmful shayateen that may harm them. The ahadeeth permit kids coming out of home after some time has passed from Maghreb.
As a general rule to, precaution should be not to allow children out of the house on their own for their safety. This is regardless of the time and hour.
Wallahu A’alam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi