Is it OK to pray with clothes that have such prints . Especially if it’s not apparent ( another cloth going over it)
Or wearing pieces of such jewelry where, just the outline of animal things , but no eyes or facial features show
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
According to hanafiya, making of prohibited tasweer (Picture) includes depicting an animate (something possible of having life) object with parts and limbs which an animal or person would normally require to live with.
This is why drawing a face such that it does not have any of the vital elements depicted (all of the eyes, nose and mouth, i.e. facial features) is permissible. If there is a tasweer with these elements, then one can wipe away or smear off these elements, and the remaining image will be acceptable.
This means that a silhouette is not considered a tasweer which is prohibited in Islam. The images you have shared (puma silhouette and butterfly outline earring) are acceptable and do not come under the prohibited imaging or object.
Salah performed in such clothing will be valid. However, we would still encourage that you cover it with some other clothing to avoid any distraction.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi