I noticed a new practice by our imam while during qirat in taravi, occasionally he does qirat with hands down and not holding hands like in qiyam, I’m not sure which madhab he follows but as per hanaf is it OK to offer behind him, please advise.

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Sadl or Irsaal (keeping hands on the side) instead of folding them right over left is a Maliki stance for Qiyam as mentioned in al-Mudawwanah. This is based on the Usools of Imam Malik rahimahullah in regards to the action of people of Madeenah, which is adequate proof according to him.
While internally the Malikiya also have their own discussion on the matter and reports of folding being their correct opinion, but it is a matter suited for Maliki experts to indulge in.
For our purposes, the stance is validly established in fiqh for them, albeit we as hanafiyyah may not agree with it.
The principle about following for a hanafi muqtadi behind an Imam of another school of thought is that, as long as the salah is not invalidated by an action of the Imam according to the madhab of hanafi muqtadi, the “following” will remain valid.
Since folding hands in salah is a Sunnah of Salah in hanafiyah, keeping ones hands on the side by the imam will not invalid the prayer of the hanafi muqtadi (follower). Hence, performing your salah behind such an Imam is valid without dislike.
You, as a hanafi will continue to fulfil all your sunnah postures to make sure there is no rebuke and sin upon you, and so that you do not loose out on any rewards.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi