A friend of mine would like to learn how to pray salah with all the rules. Is there a book you can recommend?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It is unclear about the level at which your friend wishes to start learning. Depending on the level I could advise better.
Here is a brief list of books which could help:
- Ascent to Felicity (Allamah Shurumbulali) [Novice]
- Nur al Idah (Allamah Shurumbulali) [Novice]
- a. Commentary on Nur al Idah (Allama Tahtawi) [Intermediate]
- Mukhtasar al Quduri (Imam Quduri rh.) [Intermediate]
- Sharh al Wiqaya (Allama Ubaydullah ibn Mas’ud rh) [Intermediate/Advance]
- al-Hidaya ( Allama Marghinani rh) [Advance]
You could also use some books from Maktab levels
- Taleem al Haq
- Tasheel Series
- An Naseehah Series
Learning to pray has to do with practicals. For this one should take some in-person discourses. We do provide Wudhu’ and Salah Workshops periodically. Insha’Allah next program would be in October.
If your friend wishes to learn the fiqh of Salah in detail, but still on an introductory level, we provide Fiqh discourse from AEP (Absolute Essentials Program). Our next year will be starting September and we will be posting registration information in a weeks time insha’Allah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi