My wife missed 3 rakat in Isha prayer in congregation. After salam, She continued to pray 2 rakah + Attahiyat+1 rakah instead of 1+ Attahiyat+2 rakah.
Does she need to repeat Isha’ Farz and also what is the ruling for tarawih & Witr which is already prayer.
By delaying the Qa’da Oola (first sitting) from its place and then sitting an additional Qa’da, Sajdah Sahw became wajib upon her.
If she made that sajda sahw, then the salah was valid without any deficiency.
If she did not make that sajda sahw, then the salah was still valid, but wajib to repeat in time.
Since she did not do so, the salah was finalized as valid with deficiency.
Consequently, the taraweeh and witr are also valid.