We run a small local charity org. where we basically take people’s sadaqah, zakat etc. and give it to needy person after thorough investigation. It looks to me sometime that our thorough investigations becoming obstacles in releasing the people’s amanah especially zakat. What are the things we should look for in discharging zakat? Sometimes we think this person might have some gold so we cant give zakat. It also looks unpleasant to question them about gold, their bank balanced, etc
Can we just give zakat merely looking out their outer way of life (e.g. their low paying job)? What if we later found out they were not eligible but we discharged??

Zakat must be dispensed in its correct masraf. This masraf is assessed through review of the applicants. As a part of becoming an applicant, your organization should have a affidavit (half nama) where the applicant gives a shar’i statement of their financial status, along with any proof of financial. With this, you will be absolved of conducting further investigation.
Without such shar’i statement and due diligence, your investigation will be lacking and accidently discharging zakat to gher-mustahiq (not eligible recipient) will be your organization’s fault and zakat will remain unpaid on behalf of the dispenser.
We thus suggest a thorough vetting process and then keeping those families under review as recipients. The organization should stand as agent (wakeel) for those recipients. Thereby, when the organization accepts zakat monies, it will be on behalf of those recipients, and the dispenser’s zakat will be paid. Now, the duty will lay on your organization to make sure the recipient (who have already been vetted) receive their monies.