During Ramadan time, I was supposed to pay my zakat amount for this year. Approx at the same time, someone asked me to lend him money for 2 months. I gave the same zakat money thinking that I’ll pay zakat after 2 months then. Now the situation is, person hasn’t returned back the amount. Recently he said he will try giving back soon. I can’t ask him again out of courtesy.
What shall I do for zakat. I have some other amount but I was saving that for buying a house and that amount is already short.

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Zakat calculation and payout is done on the date of its calculation. So, in Ramadhan when the zakat became obligatory upon you, it should now be paid out.
Your choice to lend that money out as a loan does not affect the zakat that has already become binding upon you. In lending out the money you have delayed the zakat payout from its time.
You should give out the zakat monies that you are liable for as soon as possible from any savings you have kept. If one were to die at this time, the side saving for potential purchase of the future will not assist in resolving the liability of zakat which will remain on one’s shoulder.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi