Assalam alaikum muftisahab,
I offered jumma in a masjid where Salah started in makrooh time, the masjid clock was also showing as prohibited for prayers, will Salah be accepted?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Your question is about Jumu’a time. The beginning time for Jumu’a Salah is same as Dhuhr Salah, i.e right after Zawal.
Moreover, it is a condition for the validity of Jumu’a that the Khutbah be rendered in the Jumu’a time as well. The minimum requirement of khutba must be fulfilled after zawal time has finished.
The “prohibited” time normally displayed on the Masjid Clocks covers a considerable time beyond actual zawal. On average the sun can move from its position in totality in approximately ~3 to ~5 minutes. Salah Times calculators normally keep a delay of 2-3 minutes for safety and accommodation for any refraction as well. For your purpose this entry time is suitable to assume the correct time for Jumu’a entry.
Hence, check your Salah Calendar to see the entry time of Dhuhr, and if the Khutba is conducted after this time, then despite the clock mentioning “prohibited time”, the Jumu’a will be valid.
However, if they start their khutba before this entry time, then atleast sufficient time of khutba’s integrals (Tasbeeh, Tahmeed etc) must be within its valid entry time to barely fulfil the technical validity for khutba, and hence for Jumu’a Salah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi