The applications for Hajj 2024 have been announced, and he aims to submit his application promptly. Working in Europe with a halal income, he earns well, but currently lacks the necessary funds for the Hajj deposit.
Despite owning properties and having investments in various places, he plans to borrow money to meet the deposit requirement. His intention is to repay the borrowed amount within a few months, as he expects profitable returns from his investments.
While he can afford Hajj, he currently lacks the required sum and seeks confirmation on whether performing Hajj using borrowed funds is permissible, with a commitment to repay before the pilgrimage?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The beauty of Islam is that it guides us in every realm of our lives. Finances are a very important part of life and Islam teaches us to be financially responsible by avoiding israaf (extravagance) and taqteer (miserliness) and also not to be unnecessarily in debt.
We advise that a suitable method is adopted to perform hajj which does not involve being in debt, especially if it is interest bearing rendering a person sinful.
It would be ideal if assets can be immediately liquidated to pay the deposit to perform hajj.
Otherwise, one should consider saving enough funds from now to make a deposit in the upcoming years. (However, do keep in mind that such saving is zakat applicable in the coming years)
It should also be kept in mind that one of the condition of having sufficient wealth for the compulsion of Hajj to fall upon oneself is also to have sufficient funds reserved for the household to be taken care of in his absence.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi