An orphan girl is getting married and her care takers have reached out to collect funds to purchase various things for jahez(washing machine, fridge etc.). Would it be permissible to participate in putting the jahez together?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The correct concept of jahez (or assisted gifts) for a bride is that one arranges item and materials for the bride [not towards groom’s parents or family], so her move and settlement in the house of the groom can become easy for her. This may include things which will make their life easy, such as cooking utensils which the bride is more accustomed to, or other such appliances. This is done by way of well wishing of the father or family of the bride for their daughter. Such form of jahez if kept within the right scope will be beneficial for the new family and acceptable and permissible to assist with.
In arabic terms this is called Jihaz and is not limited to preparing the bride for her move towards the grooms house along. Instead one could set such preparation for a Haaji for his trip, a soldier for his deployment or for a bride towards groom.
Sunan Nasa’i and Sunan Kubraa mention Rasulullah ﷺ preparing jihaz for Bibi Fatima r.a. Similarly Mustadrak Hakim mentions Najashi preparing and sending Ammi Umm Habeebah r.a for Nabi ﷺ.
So when “dowry” is used in the sense of jahez, it is to be used in the above context. The hindu concept of dahej (dowry) is not islamic and should not be practiced wherein the dowry either comes in as a status symbol or a pre-condition for nikah.
The other concept is that of Mahr (which is also translated as dowry). This is indeed a condition of Nikah. However, this is the stipulation of monetary amount of payment from the groom to the bride [and not to her parents etc.] either mutually agreed, or according to the average of the dowry of the women of the bride’s family. There are many laws regarding such mahr and should be learnt before marriage.
Coming to your question, If the collection or preparation of jahez for this orphan is for the posession of this girl, so that she may be self sufficient in her settling within the groom’s house, and not some condition or status symbol for groom or their family to show off, then you may partake in preparing these gifts for her.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi