Mufti Sahab, would it be permissible to thin boys head hair if they’re really thick and hard to comb properly and when by thinning it doesn’t feel that there was done something to the hair except tidyness
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It would not be recommended to allow thinning of the hairs without any condition. So the conditions which have been mentioned in the previous answer will still apply. (
For example if the thinning is done such that it’s makea an outlook of Qaza’, then that is not permissible. Or such different length in hair that this difference is visible for an onlooker, then it will come under the same ruling as well.
However if the thinning is done such that it does not have any visible effect on the way the hair looks, then that would be permissible.
The prophetic ﷺ guidance is clear here to either trim all or keep all. This also helps move one’s focus and intent away from hair styling which becomes an undue waste of time and energy in our times.
Moreover, the mutawatar (continuous) sunnah of Rasulullah ﷺ is to keep the head covered with headgear at all times. The prophetic guidance also helps ease into adopting this sunnah as well. Those children who are overly concerned about how their hair looks seldom cover their head, lest it is for Salah time or occasional Qur’an reading.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi