Is it permissible to exercise this law (Self Administer substance for MAID) if they’re dealing with severe mental illness
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
At the outset we must understand that this life is not ours, rather it is a “giving” from Allah, and Allah shall take it back on His own terms. We have been given the life to fulfill our test towards Allah in the situations and capacity we have been given. Some will be tested with abundance of worldly materials, while others will be tested by absence thereof. All will go through this test to see who serves Allah best in the abdiyat (slavehood).
With that idea in mind, while MAID may require a full lengthy write-up to address all aspects appropriately, we can address the core issue here.
With the life we have been given, one of the duties imposed upon us to maintain and preserve this life with all the reasonably viable asbaab (means) while we are on this earth. This would mean that if certain foods are going to be healthy for us, then we must make effort to attune our diet to those foods. Similarly, if something is harmful and detrimental for us, we must try to limit that from our life.
This also applies to other facets of life. In spirituality those activities which assist in fulfillment of Allah’s orders should be adopted, and those which distance us from Allah should be shunned.
Likewise, in mental health, one must address the issue amicably and holistically. Make efforts to acquire a mental well-being from all halal and suitable avenues while abstaining from all such mechanisms which will distance one from Allah’s servitude.
Even in severe depression, one may not actively choose an option which will violate the laws of Allah, even if the worldly laws give permission for it. An assisted suicide (MAID: Medical Assistance in Dying) is still a mechanism for suicide. Fuqaha’ make a distinction that if one chooses not to take medical assistance for a cure, and maintains tawakkul upon Allah for cure, then one would not be sinful.
However, if one denies food and drink to such an extent that one looses one’s life, then one will be sinful even if the food available at the last moment of life was haram in nature. This shows the severity in abandoning shar’an acceptable means of life when one has ability over it, and the harshness of abandoning that life even in difficult times.
Conclusively, despite mental illness, it is nor permissible to make use of MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying).
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi