Is it haram to play games that involve rolling dices?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Mufti Waseem Khan was asked about games using roll of dice. He mentioned:
Some scholars have stated that it is not permissible to use the dice since the Prophet ﷺ has prohibited it. Others however, have mentioned that the reason for its prohibition, is that it was normally used for games of chance and for gambling, and hence the Prophet ﷺ spoke against it and prohibited using it.
This means that if
- it is used for children’s game and for mere amusement, and
- it is not used for games which involve betting/gambling,
- then it will be permissible.
This is the view which many scholars have given, and it is my opinion on the matter. As such, it will be permissible to use the dice in children’s games like ludo, monopoly etc.
Moreover, Maulana Ikramul Hoque Miah writes in his fatwa an exposition about “dice”. He says,
On games of dice, there appears to be a misrepresentation in the meaning of the word “nard,” which I have seen translated as dice. The overwhelming majority of the hadith commentators as well as most seminal lexicographers have understood “nard” as backgammon, an ancient game initiated by the early Sasanians. The Prophet ﷺ has likened playing backgammon to one dying their hands with the flesh and blood of swine. While this game involves dice, it should not be translated purely as dice as this entire game is being intended.
There is a hadith where the Prophet ﷺ disliked ten things, among which was the throwing of dice (darb bi l-ki’ab). Again, many commentators of the hadith write that what is intended here is the dice of nard (backgammon) – and thus, the Prophet ﷺ expressed dislike of the game itself. Based on this interpretation, it would be permissible to play games with die, so long as the conditions mentioned above are met.
Beyond what is mentioned above from Mufti Waseem Khan and Maulana Ikramul Haque, I would add that three external conditions which should also be reviewed before getting involved in such games.
- the game should not be contrary to concepts, ideologies and rulings of our Deen, and
- the game should not be so engrossing that one forgo forgoes one’s religious duties,
- the game should have a viable and reasonable underlying benefit to offer
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi