Is Eid prayer wajib / compulsory for women and can they pray individually at home especially the women who stay at home on Eid day?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
1. In principle all those on whom Jumu’a is wajib (compulsory), Eid Salah is also wajib upon them.
These include :
- Males
- Resident (Muqeem)
- Healthy (free from sickness that prevents salah)
- Access to the place of worship
- free from any uzr (handicap)
Hence, just as it is not wajib for women to attend the Jumu’a prayers, it is equally not wajib or a requirement for women to attend Eid Salah as well.
Moreover, it must be kept in mind that even those mashayekh of other fiqhi schools who have held the opinion of allowing women to attend Eid Salah mandate it with condition that women do not adorn themselves in attractive clothing, and do not apply makeup or perfume which may become an allure for non mahram men.
2. Since there is not wujoob or obligation upon women to attend Eid Salah, there is no need for them to perform any salah at home as well. They may/should however engage in Nafil Ibadah at home on their own such as the Ishraq and Duhaa Salah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi