If a najis liquid such as urine fell on something that does not absorb liquid, like the toilet seat, and then it dries in such a way that no mark is left is this now Taahir? Or is it still necessary to wipe the surface?
So basically will najis liquid evaporating from a non absorbing surface be enough for that surface to become clean again?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
In principle if filth like urine falls on to a surface like toilet seat, or other such surface, then
- If the filth has some body, it needs to be either cleaned with water, or wiped to such extent that all impression is lost.
- If the filth does not have body, (like urine, wine), then regardless of it being wet or dry, the surface will be considered impure and it will need to be cleaned.
- If such a surface is smooth and not rough then it can be cleaned using water as well as by wiping it thoroughly.
- If the surface is rough or has grooves, then it can only be cleaned by using water and washing it.
In case of the toilet seat, is predominantly known that it will have some najasah on it. So one should make a habit of cleaning the surface by thoroughly wiping it before using it.
As a practice, in one’s house, one should have policy for every member to know the steps of hygiene which should include every individual cleaning and wiping the toilet areas and prepare it for the next person to use.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi