Is a person still required to complete any Qadha’ fasts before fasting the six Shawwal fasts if their Qadha’ fasts are to such an extent that if they were to be fasted first and every day of the month, the entire month of Shawwal would pass before they finish?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
I would recommend to fast the qadha’ while keeping the intention of shawwal along with it.
It is wajib to fulfil one’s qadha’ , while it is mustahab to fast shawwal. Wajib takes precedence.
And since one will utilize all days for that wajib, one should have the intention to request rewards of the mustahab shawwal fast from Allah as well.
This also means that one should continue fasting as much as possible to complete all the qadha’ fasts.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi