Assalamu alaikum mufti Saab, if one of you hears the call (to prayer) and the vessel is still in his hand, let him not put it down until he finished with it. (Hadeeth)
Could u please guide on this?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The narration is mentioned in Sunan Abi Dawood #2350 with good chains.
Scholars have mentioned that this hadeeth is connected with the other narration from Sayiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ood rd. which talks about the adhan of Sayiduna Bilal rd. who used to wake people up for Suhoor. This was called the “adhan al-awwal” (the first adhan)
The indication would be to not let that adhan which is indeed before the Subh Sadiq (dawn) time stop you from consuming your suhoor. Imam al Bayhaqi rh. has mentioned these narrations in sequence in his Sunan al Kubraa (#8019 – 8021) stating that the first hadeeth can be seen in conformity with the second hadeeth about the “first adhan” from Sayiduna Bilal rd.
Imam Bayhaqi rh. also mentions that this could also be referring to when the second adhan was given before the beginning of the dawn by a few moments, while the people know that there are still few minutes for the fajr entry time.
Another third explanation is also given by Shah Abdul Haq Dehelwi rh. wherein he says that this narration is in fact relating to Maghreb Salah (i.e. Iftar), and not Suhoor. The purpose here would be not to delay the iftar from the pronouncement of adhan thinking that it may be more virtuous to wait for adhan to end since normally it is mustahsan (desired) that one would leave out drinking and eating in reverence for adhan.
Along the same line, it could also be understood that the prophetic way in breaking fast is to hasten in breaking the fast (as soon as pronouncement of adhan is commences), and thereafter hastening in Salah as well (indicated by action of Sayiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ood rdm in Hadeeth of Ammi Ayesha rd. (Muslim Shareef).
While this is the ideal, there is still scope for one to fulfil one’s haajah (need of expiating hunger) by hastening to break the fast and then delaying Salah momentarily to fulfil this need.
This is to say that when the adhan is called out and congregation hastens to start Maghreb Salah, one should still finish what one is eating so that he may fulfil his hunger of the moment, and not let this food preoccupy him during the Salah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi