Do eyelash extensions invalidate wudhu?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
At the outset, fake eyelashes will be permissible for usage if they are not from human hair, pig/boar hair, or any other haram material. The permissibility of using such eyelashes is restricted to beautification for one’s mahram husband alone. Moreover, if they are done as a means of deception, such as giving a ruse that they are your real eyelashes, then one would be sinful for lying.
That being said, if they are utilized in their permissible ambits, the ruling of wudhu upon them is indeed a pertinent one. If the eyelashes prevent the water from contacting the skin behind it, then this will not allow validity of Wudhu’. For this validity, water must wet every bit of the limbs which are to be washed. This includes the face.
Your question, however, is about invalidating the wudhu’ and not about preventing the validity of the wudhu’. If one applies these eyelashes after having done the wudhu, the wudhu’ will not invalidate or break. But, once one is wearing the eyelashes, [assuming these eyelashes do not let water reach the skin behind it] one must remove them every time to renew the wudhu’ just as one is required to remove nail polish and other such barriers for water so that wudhu’ may be made.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi