What is the difference in reward of praying Salah in a prayer room, masjid where they don’t offer Jum’ah and a masjid where they offer Jum’ah?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
“Prayer in congregation is better than the prayer of one of you on his own by twenty-five parts.” (Muwatta Imam Malik and others)
“Prayer in congregation is twenty-seven times more meritorious than a prayer performed individually.” (Bukhari Shareef and Muslim Shareef)
Ahadeeth mention both 25 as well as 27 times rewards for a salah performed in congregation.
It is understood that certain factors elevate the reward of the salah:
- Salah in congregation is better than alone
- Salah in a masjid is better than outside the masjid
- Salah lead by a pious imam, or a large congregation, or a more ahl Allah in congregation etc. is better than the one void of them.
Hence ulama’ have reconciled the difference of 25 time vs 27 times by saying:
- Salah alone yields single reward, while one in congregation is 25 times. There upon if the congregational salah also has any of the extra qualities like pious imam, more congregation etc. then it may yield up to 27 times.
- Other ulama’ have mentioned that Salah in congregation is 25 times, while salah in congregation in Masjid is 27 times.
In conclusion, Salah in congregation in the masjid is definitely more afdhal (better in virtue) than one performed in congregation out of masjid. And salah in congregation is definitely more virtuous than one performed alone.
In Musallaa or places which are not Shar’i masjid, the congregational salah will fall in the category of congregational salah out of masjid (i.e 25 times rewards).
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi