Could you clarify what it means that water should not seep through the sock?
Is that referring to the water from masah or if one was to pour water over it or something else?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
When reviewing the leather socks and discerning its qualities to apply to other non-leather socks for the purpose of Masah, all conditions revolve around the sturdiness and solidity of the sock.
One of these conditions is that water should not seep through.
Allama Shurumbulali rh. (d. 1069h) is of the opinion that this refers to water seeping through at the time of Masah. Other Mashayekh like Allama al-Midaani rh and Allama al-Rafi’i rh. have also adopted this. (See Imdad al Fattah Sharh Nur al Idah)
However, majority of Mashayekh mention “water proof” as a condition for Masah on non-leather socks. Logically this sits well with the underlying rational of “sturdiness and strength” of the non-leather socks.
A clear indication of this is in Halabi Kabeer (Ghuniyatul Mutamalli) of Imam Muhammad ibn Ibraheem al-Halabi rh. (d. 956h), wherein he states that the requirement is for non-leather socks to be sturdy enough such that water does not seep through it except upon prolonged exposure of socks to water, or through dalak (rubbing) water into the socks, unlike thin socks where the water shall seep even with light wiping. (See Ghuniyatul Mutamali Vol. 1 Pg. 266, Jami’a Islamiya Darul Uloom Deoband Ed.)
The fatwa is thus on this latter opinion.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi