Please verify for Canadian Dove products and any brands of Soaps, Shampoos, detergents, deodorants, antiperspirants which may go through Chemical changes and hence may become Halal Suitable
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
When we talk about chemical change during production of the soap, then essentially we refer to the change from lard / tallow to soap + glycerol through the process of saponification. We have explained this process briefly in one of our old answer at: (See Fn 1)
This is generally true for the soaps that are available in the market. However, while the above process for the production of the soap is considered halal suitable for external usage, there may be other added ingredient in commercial soap which may not be halal suitable.
In case of the Dove Soap Mustakshif app will provide that most are marked as mashbooh (doubtful). The statement for it is mentioned :
The product contain some concerning ingredients which needs to be verified (especially Glycerin). The product does not have any further information on certifications. Their website does state that it has plant based cleansing agent, but no information on source of glycerin. Further information is needed to finalize a resolution. Marked Mashbooh . Checked and Concurred Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi AskHalal (under ilmHub Canada)
Nowadays there are quite a few Liquid Hand Wash soaps which have been reviewed. I will insha’Allah post a listing in due course.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi