I have a question about this sign ( COR ). Can any product with this be considered halal?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It is not sufficient to merely look for a Kosher sign [either COR or Ⓤ , (U) or K ] and consider it Halal suitable. Kosher practices, especially in meat slaughters of today is not suitable for halal consumption. Mufti Abdullah Nana Saheb has added an addendum to his translation of Ahkaam al Zaba’ih wherein he has presented his personal research and correspondences with the jewish Rabis about their slaughter process. This also applies to consumer good which have any ingredient which is from meat source.
However, there are some Jewish Kashrut laws about Kosher which help us to sort out the ingredients and products to eliminate any meat content in them, thus helping us to make a decision if it will be halal suitable.
An example of this is how we have been tackling Kosher-Dairy, where we use the Kashrut law of impermissibility of mixing milk with meat. So if the Kosher Dairy product has Dairy in it, then it eliminates that any meat or meat derived ingredient has been used in it. However we still review all the ingredients to make sure there are no wine or other such ingredients in the product.
Similarly Kosher Pareve helps eliminates meat in it as well as “Pareve” is such product which does not have any milk nor meat product.
I hope this helps,
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi