Can an imam lead 2 jumma prayers, even if there are people who can lead.
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
According to Hanafiya, a Hanafi Imam may not lead two Friday prayers. (i.e. the 2 rakat fard) Similarly, a hanafi may not pray behind an Imam who has already prayed one Jumu’a. This is regardless of whether Imam is a Hanafi or of any other madhab (jurisprudence).
Since the two rak’at of Jumu’a Salah is Fard `Ayn in itself according the Imam must have the intention of leading a fard salah. Once a fard has been performed by this Imam, he may not pray Jumu’a as a fard anymore. So the second salah which he will lead, will be a mutanaffil (someone praying a Nafil Salah).
A Hanafi praying behind such an Imam needs to perform his fard salah, while the imam is performing a nafil salah. Hence, this following (iqtida) of the hanafi of an Imam who is performing the second Jumua will be invalid.
Masajid should be very vigilant about this mas’ala and not jeopardize hanafi’s obligation of jumu’a in this manner. Tolerance and understanding of different madhahib demands that the Imam’s are considerate of this issue.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi
Some extra detail which is not necessary to be understood completely:
A point of note is that, it will not make a difference for the hanafi followers in the second congregation whether the Imam is Hanafi or non-Hanafi. This is because, according to hanafi usool the validity of iqtida (following) of hanafi muqtadi, he must assess the validity of Imamat of the Imam according to the madhab of muqtadi.
In this case, even if the Imam is non-Hanafi who ascribes to the opinion that salah of muqtadi will be valid as long as the salah of Imam is valid according to his own madhab, the muqtadi has to assess his following according to Imam’s salah according to hanafiya.