I have a query. If we are making dua to Allah Ta’ala for the khair of a particular business. We say that if this particular business is khair for us , then let us proceed further and if it is not khair for us then turn us back from there and grant better one which is khair. I want to know that can we make dua in this way that make this particular business khair for us and open doors of betterment because Allah Ta’ala is The Most Powerful. The Almighty. He need just to say Kun Fayakun and things are done. Because my son is trying for a new business for which we are making dua but it’s not proceeding. I can’t understand whether it is khair or not for my son. So can I make dua in this way. Or shall make dua that if it is khair let it happen or whatever is khair for him, put him in that business. For the business which he is trying to start now was previously his grandfather’s business which he is trying to restart. Please do the needful at an earliest.
Pardon me if I’m wrong.
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The process of seeking khair from Allah in a particular matter is called “Istikharah“. Istikharah is a du’a towards Allah for goodness in the particular path one takes.
Istikharah does not affirms that whatever one has asked khair in will be successful or as the person expects. Rather, whatever happens in that path will be for khair of that person. Sometimes, it could mean that a person will apply his full due diligence, and the matter would not reach to its fruition. Then that outcome is khair for that person. He would still have gained experience in it, and gotten useful life-lessons from it.
Once one is content of all the outcomes, then regardless of the outcome being positive or negative, they will only focus on the khair within it from Allah, and pursue future projects with the same Istikharah.
We have a general write up of an answer about Istikharah, which is although about marriage but applies to any project or matter one wishes to undertake. I am linking for you and your son to read properly and understand, and then practice upon.
Similarly, we are also taught a shorter Istikharah du’a which should be abundantly recited for all matters of daily lives as well.
Allahumma Khirlee Wakhtar Lee
اللَّهُمَّ خِرْ لِي وَاخْتَرْ لِي
May Allah Ta’ala assist and put barakah in both of your lives, Ameen
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi