I would like to know that in offering Asr Salah (Namaaz) if I forget something like one sajda or sitting for Athaiyat, can I make sajda e sahu at the end of four rakat. Because as some people say that in Asr prayer one can’t make sajda e sahu. It is not permissible. So what is the ruling of Islam if a person misses some of the Arkans. Please do the needful. Jazakallaahu wa khairan Kaseerah.

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
At the outset, let us understand the principal position about missing a part of the salah. A person could miss out either a fardh, a wajib or a sunnah in the salah. Each of these will have different affect on the salah.
- If a fardh action of salah (obligatory rukn) is left out by mistake, and there is no qadha’ done for this act before finishing off from the salah, then the salah is invalidated and must be repeated. If one does the qadha’ of this fardh act before completing the salah, and then makes sajda sahw, then only will the salah be valid. It will not be valid with only the sajdah sahw and not qadha’ of that missed fardh act.
- If a wajib action of salah (compulsory) is left out by mistake, then one must make the sajdah sahw before completion. One will not need to make qadha’ of the action as Salah can be valid without wajib, although deficient. If a person does not do the sajdah sahw in such a case, the salah will remain valid, but it will be deficient.
- If a Sunnah act is missed in the salah, then the salah is valid and there is no need for doing the sajdah sahw. One would lose the rewards of the sunnah.
Keeping the above information in mind, let us answer your question:
- Sajdah is a fardh action of the salah. Missing this will require one to make qadha’ of it as soon as one remembers it, or at the most towards the end of salah, and then perform sajdah sahw for destroying the tarteeb (sequence of actions) of the salah.
- Sitting for Tashahud (Qa’da) could either be first Qa’da or Last Qa’dah. Qa’dah Akheera (Last sitting at 4th rak’at) is Fardh of Salah. The same rule for above will apply which can be easily fulfilled by returning to sitting postur and restarting the last sitting.
- Qa’da Uola (first sitting on 2nd rakat) in Asr is wajib and not fardh. Hence if one missed this in its place and stood up for the next rakat instead, then one would not return to do it again, instead one would make sajdah sahw to compensate for this mistake.
There is nothing wrong in making Sajdah Sahw at the end of Asr Salah. The salah has not yest finished, and the sahw demands the sajdah sahw by way of wujoob (compulsion). So on should not miss out on it.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi