Mufti saheb, in regards to one urinating and then feeling splash backs from the water in the toilet, is it paak or napaak? Is ibadah accepted? Should the area that may have potentially been splashed with specks be washed? What if one forgot or wasn’t sure where the specks went?

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The minor droplets of urine that may splash back while urinating, such that they cannot be perceived upon looking, are overlooked.
However, if these droplets are bigger splashes, then as long as they are equal or lesser than $2 coin approx (or the hollow part of your palm in diameter) then a salah will be valid with such clothings. However, ideal is to still wash it off to gain full rewards.
If the afflicted part is more than the amount, then it is wajib to clean the portion, and salah will not be valid with such najasah on one’s clothing.
Generally the droplets are less than the amount, so if one forgot about it, while the salah would be valid, rewards would nonetheless suffer. Hence, one should always be vigilant and cautious.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi