Assalamualikum. According to my understanding, talking while using the washroom is against the Sunnah. Is that correct? If so, is it speaking that’s disliked or communicating, or both?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
At the outset, it should be known that the position of being in the toilet or relieving oneself is not a desire situation. It is undertaken out of necessity of relieving.
The dua which we recite post-relieving and coming out of the toilet is “(O Allah) I seek your pardon; All praise to You who has relived me from ailment and granted me ease”
This du’a clearly indicates that the situation of being in toilet for was not the most desired. Moreover, the du’a starts by beseeching maghfira (forgiveness). Shurrah (explainers) mention that this forgiveness is for not being able to fulfil one’s expectation of remembering and making dhikr of Allah at that time.
Some Sahaba rd. were so concerned of this that they would hold their tongue in teeth, lest their tongue start making dhikr out of practice.
We gather that the khilaf al Sunnah (contrary to Sunnah) action here is not necessarily talking or speaking, rather engagement in futility, whereas the demand is to relive one self and be free from the undesired situation as quickly as possible.
Moreover, another angle is that when one engages oneself in activities other than the intended relieving, then mala’ika (angels) who till now were at distance have to come close to start recording what is being transpired. This is regardless whether it is speaking or communication.
It is under this that fuqaha’ mention that one should not answer the Salam in such condition, nor should one speak. And if one has no option but to speak for some reason, then confine oneself to the bare limits of what’s needed.
Similarly, this also give sufficient guidance that we should not lounge in toilets with cellphone, magazines or books to pass our time in such an undesirable state.
May Allah instill full understanding and action within ourselves, Ameen
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi