Can you advise regarding the concept of Tayyab? And how it does/should work in unison with what is Halal?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
The question could be approached from Halal/Tayyab food or Halal/Tayyab income
a. When it comes to Halal Tayyab food, Halal food would be that which fulfills all the base requirements for a food to be suitable for Muslim consumption. Whereas Tayyab food would either be:
i. That food which is Halal, but beyond that it does not have any shadow of doubt of being halal
ii. Some scholar mentioned that tayyab refers to wholesome food which is not only halal but also wholesome for consumption as well. Such that it will positively affect one’s nourishment, health, spirituality and elevate one’s in richness towards fulfilling the expectation of Rizq.
b. When it comes to Halal/Tayyab income, please read through our answer about choosing one’s employment as it briefly explains the concept satisfactorily. Tayyab would mean that beyond being halal, the income is behooving a Muslim’s Imani stature as well. Please read the answer at :
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi