Doing Amr bil maruf wa nahi Anil munkir is obligatory but for this one needs influence to make your Dawat more impactful.
So is it obligatory to gain influence in society for Dawah with any means like money, fame, power, character etc?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Enjoining good and forbiding evil is obligatory upon every Muslim. As Muslims, we are tasked with spreading the message of Islam and fulfilling that responsibility lies in the effort, not the outcome. We are not tasked with bringing about the outcomes, thus no matter how much influence and power one may have, guidance is solely in Allah’s control.
السعي منا والإتمام من الله
We will be judged on how diligently and holistically we fulfilled our obligations, not on the end results of our efforts.
عن عبد الرحمن بن سمرة، قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا عبدالرحمن بن سمرة، لا تسأل الإمارة، فإنك إن أعطيتها عن مسألة وكلت إليها، وإن أعطيتها عن غير مسألة أعنت عليها. رواه البخاري ومسلم
The prophet ﷺ said to Abdur Rahman ibnu Samurah رض to not ask for leadership, for if you were given it after asking, you will be left to it (without any help) and if you were given it without asking you will be helped in discharging its responsibilities.
In the referenced hadith, the deliberate pursuit of leadership is discouraged in Islam, and the scholars have clarified the wisdom behind that; the person who seeks leadership, because of its great importance, significant responsibilities, abundance of temptations and the desires that accompanies one’s self and the changing circumstances; is prone and vulnerable to the risk of betrayal of the trust bestowed upon him. At the very least, there is a genuine concern that one may not fully meet the obligations of the role, or may falter in carrying out the entrusted duties.
The prophet ﷺ discouraged seeking authority and leadership, emphasizing that if it’s given without seeking, you’ll be helped by Allah in discharging its responsibilities. It signifies that influence and power are not ends in themselves, people have been apportioned their share of this world, and there is a greater risk for a person in their pursuance of power, fame and money ending up taking them as end goals, even though initially that may not have been the case for them.
The prophet ﷺ said: You will eagerly seek out the office of governorship, but it will become a cause of regret on the Day of Resurrection. What an excellent wet nurse it is, yet what a bad weaning one it is! (Bukhari #7148)
The statement “what an excellent wet nurse it is, yet what a bad weaning one it is” can be understood to mean that leadership and authority may initially bring benefits and immediate pleasures (an excellent wet nurse), but eventually, its delights and benefits will disappear soon just like the short period of wet nursing is, leaving behind only regret and sorrow (a bad weaning one). This expression encapsulates the idea that leadership may provide temporary gains but can lead to lasting pain and remorse in the hereafter.
True da’wah is done by way of actions rather than words. Preaching has its own place, but would serve little purpose if not combined with action. The beauty of Islam is shown by applying its teachings in our lives practically.
Islam insists and emphasizes that a person should cultivate high morals and adorn themselves with noble characters, that way one would elevate themselves to the ranks of excellence that would make others look up to them.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “The dearest and nearest among you to me on the Day of Resurrection will be the best of you in conduct.”
An individual who upholds good morals and cares to possess fine character is a gift to society. People feel contented in the presence of such a person; they trust, admire, and aspire to be like him. While others around us set ‘examples’ of beauty in their own terms, it is upon us to be the ones with whom people are dazzled by their beauty in moral uprightness. And while others undress their bodies in hope of earning titles in the race to beauty, we shall wrap ourselves in the garments of honesty, mercy, forbearance, courage, patience, humbleness and modesty.
True beauty shall always leave a crown on your head. But, you do not have to wait for anyone to place it there.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Maulana Israar Ahmed
Concurred: Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi