Is it OK to give zakat money to someone who was actually well to do but due to some court case or similar issues involving exorbitant expenses, is living in a difficult situation. I’m asking this now because his son met with a road accident is severely injured and requires surgeries which are very very expensive. So If they are in such dire need is it OK to give zakat money as they are asking for help
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
In order for dispensing the zakat, one must be reasonably certain that the recipient is also a Shar’i Mustahiq of that zakat. For this reasonable certainty one may not make an assumption that so-and-so does not have any zakatable assets adding up to the level of nisaab.
Instead, the best is to ask the person in a very dignified and humble manner if he is mustahiq to receive zakat or not. Sometimes the financial information is known about certain individual to the level of certainty, like an accountant knowing about his client etc. Then in such a case, reasonable certainty is established, and it will be permissible to give out zakat monies to them.
In the provided scenario, you may ask them if the assistance being asked can be fulfilled through some zakat monies which is kept by you to dispense. If they give you confirmation, then you may dispense the zakat.
Keep in mind that in zakat especially the ibadah is of the one who is dispensing. For the one on the recipient side, Allah has kept other non-zakat avenues for him as well. So the condition of dispensing must be maintained regardless.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi