What if someone did sacrifice a female goat who was pregnant at very early stage such that the buyer of the goat never noticed and the seller of the goat who himself bought the goat from someone else some days ago never noticed until the female goat was slaughtered for sacrifice during the ayyam un nahar. The embryo/zygote was at such stage that it felt like a ball of blood and no shape of the body when the mother was slaughtered… so,
1. Is the sacrifice accepted or the individual needs to sacrifice another goat?
2. If not,
• Is he supposed to buy the same amount of goat?
• What if the ayyam un nahar passed by?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Qurbani of an animal which turns out to be pregnant is valid. There is no need to repeat the Qurbani.
Even if the baby in the animal were to come out alive, one would slaughter that newborn along with the mother. However, there is difference of opinion if one may partake from that offspring or give it away in Sadaqah. The Qurbani will remain valid, nonetheless.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi