Assalamualaikum, what does our deen say about the existence of dinosaurs? Our children are taught about these creatures living on Earth 65 million years ago before humans arrived (i.e. before Hzt Aadam AS). They say these creatures were wiped out by an asteroid that struck the planet. And none of their kind survived. is there any mention of this in Quran and Hadith? Seems like a major part of this planets history and any significant creation of Allah ought to be referenced somewhere in the teachings of our religion. Jazakallah, I am curious and want to understand this myself before explaining to my kids. Jazakallah khairan

Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
There are no indication or mention of dinosaur in Qur’an or hadeeth texts. However, absence of such mention does not have any effect on the reality of such creatures having roamed the earth or not.
We do know that Qur’an mentions of Allah creating many beasts of different kinds for earth. But there is no explicitness of it in such texts.
At the same time, it is not an onus for Qur’an to have to mention any of such facts, whether they seem small or large to us. Allah has continuously mentioned of the nations, people and creations of the past who have long gone so that we may take lesson from their mention and revert to our true purpose of worshiping Allah.
If the science or archeology of today uncovers remains of such creatures, and formulate a genuine factual and unbiased decision whether these fossils did indeed exist, then it does not affect the islamic narrative in least bit. We shall look and marvel at the Qudra of Allah and our Iman and subjugation to one Allah shall increase evermore. However, it should not be based of assumption and speculations which these sciences have come to be known for.
For your children, you should enumerate for them the countless and miraculous creatures Allah has created, and mention the ones which have been highlighted for the pondering of humans like the ant and the honey bee. Let the wonder of these creation affirm the Tawheed into the hearts of the children.
Then inform them that many more creations like these existed in the past, some of which we may get to know about, and many more which we will never know of. All have existed to serve Allah and make his dhikr. Some were chosen for extinction in the immense Hikmah of Allah, while other survived. We may never know of this hikmah, but the beautiful animal kingdom we see around us is because of that wisdom of Allah.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi