Question: My father is 80+ and this year who couldn’t fast at all…..please advise how much fidya we pay for each missing fast?
Question: Is it better to make up missed fasts after Ramadan or to pay the fidyah?
Question: I have missed a few fasts due to my pregnancy. May I give fidya for these lost fasts?
Fasts missed due to genuine excuses like sickness, pregnancy, or menstruations must be made Qadha’. As long as one is able-bodied, one should exert to make Qadha’ of missed Ibadaat.
Fidya, thus, is a mechanism to address missed Ibadaat when one misses worship due to being terminally and there being no hope for becoming able to remake those Ibadaat.
In such case, you should assess if you can fast by skipping a day and gaining energy in alternate days.
If not, then perhaps a two day break and so on.
Even if the gap is 3 or more days or you fast once or twice a week over the next few months to cover your Qadha’, it will be better than giving monetary Fidya.
Alternatively, I suggest that you utilize the shorter days of November, December, and January for Qadha’ purposes. It is an immense blessing to get these short days to catch up.
While you do so, set aside the monetary Kaffarah equal to one-sadaqa al-fitr (currently minimum at $14) for every single missed fast or missed Salah, as your bequest in your will to be given out. [ this also means that you should maintain a ledger of your missed fasts or Salaat ]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi