I am thinking to enroll my child in Taekwondo which involve bowing down to show respect to the teachers and trainers. My question is it permissible in Islam?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
It is good to know that you are engaged with your child’s upbringing and sowing discipline and self-defence in his nurturing. May Allah Ta’ala accept it, Ameen
The issue of bowing has been discussed under greeting and meeting fellow Muslims and bowing while making Salam.
In a Hadeeth Sayiduna Anas r.d mentions that Nabi ﷺ was asked if a person show bow for fellow muslim while making salah. Nabi ﷺ prohibited from it. (Tirmidhi Shareef)
The prohibition is for Inhina’ or Ruku’ which entails that one’s head along with one’s back bend forward considerably towards the Ruku’ position of Salah. This has elements which are specific to worship, and cannot be done to non-Allah.
Mulla Ali Qari rh. mentions that this “Inhina'” is bending of head along with back by way of humbleness and service. He further mentions that the prohibition is due to it being in the same meaning as that of Ruku’ or Sajda which is a worship specific to Allah. (Mirqat)
This means that one’s bending which resembles Ruku’ is Makrooh (disliked) and impermissible whether it when meeting someone, or shaking hands or even standing before a fellow participant. Traditional martial arts disciplines expect a degree of bowing which does resemble ruku’. Hence such a bowing will not be permissible.
However, a question still remains if the same ruling will apply to a minor bending such that it does not resemble ruku’. Technically, this would be if the posture is such that the bending of back is less than 45 degree, or closer to standing posture than to Ruku’.
This is because, Ibn `alaan al-Shafi’i rh. has mentioned in Daleel al Faliheen, that the haram Bid’a is the Inhina’ which is in modality of ruku‘, suggesting that there may be a leeway in bending that is less than ruku’. Similarly Allamah Shami rh. has quoted Allama Quhustani rh. stating that the bowing (al-imaa) during salam which is closer to Ruku’ is like Prostration (in that it will be impermissible if done for non-Allah).
From our Hanafi fuqaha’ we see that ibaraat (texts) indicate towards karahiya in varying degree. While technically one may not be bowing to the level of ruku’, yet the resemblance of non-muslim in an action which is specific to them or their tradition, along with general dislike of holding ta’dheem (honor) for non-Allah does get established. Moreover, the action can still be vaguely construed in the generic wordings of the hadeeth.
Hence, such forms of bowing, even with slight tilt of head and back should be avoided. So much so that Mufti Rida’ al Haqq has mentioned that a tilt with head alone will be disliked as well, whereas bending closer to ruku’ will be impermissible.
In regards to the specific question of martial arts, Allama Yusuf Ludhiyanwi rh. has stated that bowing which is impressed upon from different institutes either by way of respect or tradition is not correct. Nabi ﷺ has prohibited from bowing while Salam regardless if it is for respect of teachers. Moreover, it is also resemblance of the actions of Zoroastrians who bow to their elders and kings.
Such acts in training or martial arts will be contrary to the dictates of islam. I suggest that you should speak about the religious boundaries with the coach at the Taekwondo dojo. In current environment of inclusion, it is quite possible to find a place which will exclude you from these additional actions, and focus only on the physical training instead.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi