My company opened a LIRA (Locked In Retirement Account) and has transferred all my pension into that account when I left. I cannot access my money until I reach 55 years of age. Do I have to use this money for my yearly zakat calculations?
Amounts that have been locked into LIRA are zakatable assets. However, since they have been locked in and you do not have access to your funds, the compulsion (wujoob) for paying zakat will come about when you receive it. At that time, you will have to backdate your zakat payments for all the previous years as well.
You could also choose to add the funds in LIRA to your yearly zakatable assets as well, however since the wujoob has not yet kicked in, if you die before you receive this money, the zakat paid on those LIRA funds will become sadaqah on your behalf.
The above answer does not factor in the concern of whether you have invested this money in some avenue. In which case, you will need to review the details of calculating zakat upon investments.
You may check that via following video or through this link: click here.
[ Similarly, you are responsible for where you invest and whether those avenues are themselves Shariah Compliant ]