What is the ruling for Solar eclipse? Is there special ibadah or prayer we have to do?
Bismillahi Ta’ala
Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullah
Solar Eclipse is among the natural phenomenon which should be viewed as a manifestation of Allah’s Qudrah and power. While Islam categorically denies its occurrence due to someone’s death or any such beliefs which were prevalent in the age of ignorance, it is still a means towards invoking Allah’s Mercy.
A hadith in Bukhari Shareef (#1043) mentions that when a solar eclipse occurred upon the death of Sayiduna Ibraheem r.a son of Rasulullah ﷺ and some people started to comment that the sun has eclipsed for this calamity, Nabi ﷺ categorically commented, “The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life of someone. When you see the eclipse pray and invoke Allah.”
In spiritual spheres an eclipse is a sign of how grandeur Allah’s system is. Something visibly as powerful as the sun, which Allah has made the means of nourishing and life for so many of Allah’s creation, which some even exalt to the level of divinity in jahliyah can also become maghloob (overtaken) by moon, another creation of Allah. This is a sign for those who contemplate and come to the undeniable conclusion of Allah being the only divinity, not phased by anyone or anything.
The visual phenomenon should also instill a sense of pending end to this supposed long lasting life. Qiyama (Day of Judgement) shall come soon, and Allah’s qudra will display itself, just as the Sun goes through its phase of being blackened. May Allah save us from the wrath and anger of Allah on the day when there shall be none other to save us, Ameen
Nabi ﷺ instructed his companions with what to do in such times of Eclipse. Muslim Shareef (#912) mentions a narration stating,
“The sun eclipsed during the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. He stood in great anxiety fearing that it might be the Doomsday, till he came to the mosque. He stood up to pray with prolonged qiyam, ruku’, and prostration which I never saw him doing in prayer; and then he said: These are the signs which Allah sends, not on account of the death of anyone or life of any one, but Allah sends them to frighten thereby His servants. So when you see any such thing, hasten to remember Him, supplicate Him and beg pardon from Him”
From Hanafi fiqh standing, some of the features for Salat al Kusoof:
- It is sunnah to perform this Salah.
- The salah should be performed in congregation behind the Imam who performs Friday Salah.The salah should be perform in Masajid.
- Imam is encouraged to make it lengthy, reciting Surah Baqarah and Surah Al-Imran, or any recitation which highlight the matters and ahwal (situations) of Qiyamah.
- The recitation, according to the preferred opinion, is sirri (silent) in this salah just as prayers of the day. However, Imam Abu Yusuf rh.’s opinion is that it can be read aloud to assist the large congregation.
- The congregation is prayed in 2 or 4 rak’at with one ruku’ in every rak’at like normal prayers of the day.
- Once the salah is finished, Imam may engage in supplication until the eclipse finishes.
- There is no sermon or Khutba in Salat Kusoof.
Wallahu A’lam
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi